How to change certain Keyoptions only for Solid bodies in my Mechanical model?

Rohith Patchigolla
Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 218
100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes

In my Mechanical model, I have large number of both solid and shell bodies. I would like to change the keyoption(2) --2, for all the solid bodies (linear mesh) to use Enhanced Strain Formulation. I would like to avoid adding 100s of command objects (i.e. under each solid body). Is there an easier way to do this?


  • Rohith Patchigolla
    Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 218
    100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes

    This can be made easier using Python Code object.

    Step1: RMB on Analysis and insert a "Python Code" object
    Step2: Add the below code in it, which will extract all the solid bodies and change the keyoption 2 to 2 for each body.

    Note: This process will not work if one uses "Material Assignments" in Mechanical

    #Execute the below commands only in the First load step.
    if solver_data.CurrentStep == 1:
        #Enter /Prep7
        #Get all bodies and loop over them to change Keyoption 2 to 2 (Enhanced Strain)
        allBodies = DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.Body)
        solidBodies = [child for child in allBodies if child.GetGeoBody().BodyType == GeoBodyTypeEnum.GeoBodySolid]
        for body in solidBodies:
            bodyTypeNum = solver_data.GetMaterialSolverId(body.GetGeoBody().Id)
            solver_input_file.WriteLine("keyopt," + str(bodyTypeNum) + ",2,2")
        #Enter /solu again