How to calculate Stress Amplitude through DPF in Mechanical?

Member Posts: 3
I'm trying to calculate the Von Mises Stress Amplitude for a Harmonic Analysis. I tried using the amplitude operator after the Von Misses one, but the results do not match with the ones obtained in the standard contour plots. If I compare the real and imaginary components they match, but once the amplitude is calculated, they no longer match. Is there an specific method/function to do so?
Thanks in advance!
Likely you need to switch the order in which you do the operations. You should combine the stress tensor values towards an amplitude, not the EQV stress values.
- Get the stress tensor with the results.stress() operator. This should yield a fields container of all tensor components for real and img. (complex)
- Use the amplitude operator on the previous results, combining it to a simple tensor
- use the Von Mises operator on the output of previous reducing the tensor to an EQV value.