How to get stress results on a node closest to a given coordinate?

If I have a set of coordinates, how can I locate the node closest to this coordinate and extract the stress results on it? What happens if this node happens to be a mid-side node?
You can use the following script to get the nodes closest to a set of given coordinates and extract the nodal-averaged stress at those nodes. To handle stress results at mid-side nodes (if those are requested), the elemental nodal stresses at the surrounding elements are first extracted. Those stress values are then extended to the mid-side nodes, and finally averaged to the nodes based on connectivity.
import mech_dpf import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf mech_dpf.setExtAPI(ExtAPI) #Data sources dataSources = mech_dpf.GetDataSources(0) # Get Mesh op = dpf.operators.mesh.mesh_provider() # operator instanciation op.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSources) my_mesh = op.outputs.mesh.GetData() mesh_info = op.outputs.getmesh() # Create 10 coordinates to get nearest nodes point_field=dpf.FieldsFactory.CreateVectorField(10,3,"Nodal") for n in range( 10 ): c = 0.1 + n * 0.05 point_field.Add( n+1 , [c,c,c] ) point_field.Unit = "mm" # Find nearest nodes op = dpf.operators.mesh.point_cloud_search() # operator instantiation op.inputs.search_domain.Connect(point_field) op.inputs.reference_domain.Connect(my_mesh) op.inputs.exclusive_search.Connect(True) my_search_indices = op.outputs.search_indices.GetData() relevant_node_ids = list( op.outputs.reference_indices.GetData().Ids ) print( relevant_node_ids ) # Get Connected Elements for all nodes requested all_involved_elements = [] EIDS = mesh_info.ElementIds NCPF = mesh_info.NodalConnectivityPropertyField for nid in relevant_node_ids: eidx = NCPF.GetEntityDataById(nid) all_involved_elements += [ EIDS[_] for _ in eidx ] print( len(all_involved_elements) ) # Get element nodal stress results scoping = dpf.Scoping() scoping.Ids = all_involved_elements scoping.Location = 'ElementalNodal' # Stress X direction stressXOp = dpf.operators.result.stress_X() stressXOp.inputs.mesh_scoping.Connect(scoping) stressXOp.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSources) sX = stressXOp.outputs.fields_container.GetData() #Extend stress result also to mid side nodes mid_op = dpf.operators.averaging.extend_to_mid_nodes_fc() mid_op.inputs.fields_container.Connect(sX) s_field_corner_mid = mid_op.outputs.fields_container.GetData() # Average to all nodes op = dpf.operators.averaging.elemental_nodal_to_nodal_fc() # operator instantiation op.inputs.fields_container.Connect(s_field_corner_mid) op.inputs.extend_to_mid_nodes.Connect(True)# optional s_field_nodal = op.outputs.fields_container.GetData() # Get the averaged stress at the requested nodes Stress_data = [] for nid in relevant_node_ids: S = [ s_field_nodal[_].GetEntityDataById( nid )[0] for _ in range(n_time_step) ] Stress_data.append(S)
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FYI an alternate way for only a few points is to use a worksheet named selection where you use the smallest distance to a local CS. You can then scope a stress object to that single-node NS.