How to create temperature dependent material property in Icepak?
Member, Employee Posts: 14
Best Answer
Start by importing
.import pyaedt
Start an Icepak session
ipk = pyaedt.Icepak(project="create_temp_dep_materials.aedt", design="new_design", version=2024.2, new_desktop=True)
Define material name and dataset entries for new material
matname = "silicon_temp_dep"
List of temperatures (x-axis) with unit
temp = [0.28, 11.16, 22.03, 35.74, 50.87, 75.94, 100.54, 142.17, 159.20, 199.89, 225.93, 271.36, 300.70, 327.20]
List of thermal conductivity (y-axis) with unit
k = [179.62, 170.08, 159.27, 149.74, 138.29, 126.23, 114.17, 100.22, 93.24, 85.03, 79.97, 73.04, 67.99, 63.57]
Create the dataset
dsname = matname + "_k" ipk.create_dataset1d_project(dsname, x=temp, y=k, x_unit="cel", y_unit="W_per_Kelm")
Create a new material with a thermal modifier for thermal conductivity
if not ipk.materials.checkifmaterialexists(matname): mat = ipk.materials.add_material(matname) mat.thermal_conductivity = 1 mat.mass_density = 1 mat.specific_heat = 1 # Add thermal modifier for thermal conductivity modifier_dataset = "$" + dsname mat.thermal_conductivity.add_thermal_modifier_dataset(modifier_dataset)
Release AEDT desktop session
ipk.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)