How to change legend values of a contour in Mechanical with scripting?

Rohith Patchigolla
Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 223
100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes

I would like to change the legend values either all at once or just one value at a time in Mechanical for a result contour. How can do it via Mechanical Scripting?


  • Rohith Patchigolla
    Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 223
    100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes

    Here are example scripts for modifying legends for a stress result. Change the units accordingly for other result types.

    Change all the 10 values at once for a standard 9 Band legend. If skipping a particular value, simply replace it as None.

    #Automated Script
    #10 Values for a standard Legend with 9 Bands
    #Blank can be input as None
    legendVals = [None,1,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2,2.4,2.8,None]
    def changeLegend(data):
        legendSettings = Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.Tools.CurrentLegendSettings()
        i = 1
        for val in legendVals:
            if val != None:
                print i
                if i < len(legendVals):
                    print "if"
                    legendSettings.SetLowerBound(i-1, Quantity(val,"MPa"))
                    print "else"
                    legendSettings.SetUpperBound(i-2, Quantity(val,"MPa"))
            i += 1    

    Change legend values just for a particular Band of the legend (numbering from bottom - starts at 1)

    #Manual Script
    # Select the Band Number (from bottom)
    BandNum = 2
    LowerLegendVal = 1.2
    UpperLegendVal = None
    legendSettings = Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.Tools.CurrentLegendSettings()
    if LowerLegendVal != None:
        legendSettings.SetLowerBound(BandNum-1, Quantity(LowerLegendVal,"MPa"))
    if UpperLegendVal != None:
        legendSettings.SetUpperBound(BandNum-1, Quantity(UpperLegendVal,"MPa"))