How to choose release in which Sherlock launches ?

Bruno Gaudin
Bruno Gaudin Member, Employee Posts: 6
First Anniversary Ansys Employee Solution Developer Community of Practice Member 5 Likes

For comparison purpose, it could be interesting to test the result of the same analysis launched in different Ansys releases.


  • Bruno Gaudin
    Bruno Gaudin Member, Employee Posts: 6
    First Anniversary Ansys Employee Solution Developer Community of Practice Member 5 Likes

    You can use the subprocess library and the following line

    #Sherlock python import
    import ansys
    import subprocess
    from ansys.sherlock.core import launcher
    #Name of the project to open
    project="D:\\OneDrive - ANSYS, Inc\\Documents\\Sherlock\\projects\\testrro" #your project path with \\
    ver1 = "v242" #the release needed
    subprocess.Popen(['C:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\' + ver1 + '\\sherlock\\SherlockClient.exe' , '-grpcPort=9090' , project])
