Hello all! Unfortunately the forum has recently been the victim of a spam attack, which you may have seen. We've got it under control but whilst we work to shore up the walls, so to speak, we have unfortunately gone into lockdown and you will not be able to post anything for a while. Please bear with us whilst we address…
New search functionality for the Ansys dev portal
Hello to our forum and portal users! We are very excited to be on the verge of rolling out our new unified search for the Ansys Developer Portal and Forums. This search will bring together the documentation and articles from the dev portal and posts and information on the forum into a new single search. Over time we will…
Welcome! Please Read Before Posting
Welcome to the Ansys Developer community! If you are using the developer tool packages with Ansys simulation tools then this is your community space. This community has been created to ask questions of your peers, exchange ideas, and converse about developer issues within an Ansys context. Here are some guidelines: Keep…
Body color convert to Face color
Hello, In Discovery, Is there any approach to convert face color from body color? I tried to change the body color initially with below then tried to move the face using the Pull tool by face color. But it seems that Discovery does not set and get face color from body color with script. I know this behavior defect but we…
How to change the default timeout in pyoptislang?
The default timeout for pyoptislang is 30 seconds, which can be too short for certain operations. Is it possible to change the default timeout value?
How to obtain the values of S parameters in Electronics Desktop (Ansys HFSS) software with VBS?
Hello everyone, I need to obtain the values of S parameters, or more specifically, I need the data from each "Solution Data Report" using Electronics Desktop software with VBS (Visual Basic Scripting) language. For example, I define X as frequency and get Y as the S parameter value from Solution Data Report. Although I am…
Write out Newton Raphson residual maximums
Hey togehter, I have a simulation which takes about 500 iterations. It has about 500 contacts. I want to figure out the location the simulation has difficulties of convergence. Therefore, I would like to write out the coordinates of the max. of the newton Raphson residuum during the whole simulation into an csv. file.…
Response PSD with pyAnsys/DPF
Hello everyone! I would like to extract response PSDs using DPF-core from a Python code, if possible from outside of Mechanical. The goal would be to get the same results, which you can get using the Response PSD tool within Mechanical. (See attached picture.) I am using ansys-dpf-core 0.13.0 and ansys-dpf-post 0.9.0,…
How to plot a response PSD when applying a force PSD as input?
Natively, Mechanical only allows acceleration/velocity/displacement input PSD. By using APDL command snippets, a force spectra can be also applied as nodal excitation. However, when doing so, the Response PSD tool from Mechanical cannot be used. Is there any way to overcome this limitation by using PyAnsys?
How can we export the Acoustic AWeightedSPL FR result data using mechanical scripting?
We want to first add an Acoustic A-Weighted SPL frequency response (FR) result, and then export/print the result data using mechanical scripting?
How to connect motor-CAD instance in remote machine
Hi @PyMotorCAD-Team i want to connect and launch motor-cad in my Remote server from my Linux machine by using Pymotor-cad scripting. i have seen PyMotercad documentation that motorcad API will use to achieve it. but i have not seen any example script for that, could you please guide me how to achive this.
How can I control Motor-CAD from a remote machine?
When using MotorCAD2023, how can I control Motor-CAD from a remote machine over HTTP. Is there any examples? I used the "set_server_ip" command, but couldn't launch Motor-CAD from the remote computer.
How can I extract participation factors of a modal analysis?
How can I extract participation factors or ratio of effective mass of a modal analysis through scripting?
How to retrieve solution when Mechanical quits but APDL finishes?
Hello, I ran a simulation in Mechanical the other day, and during the run Mechanical closed for some unknown reason. Even so, the APDL solver finished and even wrote a solve.out file indicating the solution had finished. However, all the temporary files were not moved from the _ProjectScratch folder (the SYS-# folder is…
How to export Time History tabular data of Force Reaction in Mechanical as a csv file?
I have several Force reaction objects in Mechanical and I want to export the time history for each Force Reaction object as a separate csv file which should have the columns Time, Fx, Fy and F_Total
Extracting Modal Frequencies and MAC Coefficients for Parametric Analysis
Hello, I am comparing two modal analyses using the MAC Calculator available in the NVH Toolkit. Once the "pair modes" option is activated, I would like to extract the associated frequencies and their MAC coefficients as output parameters for use in a subsequent parametric study. Is this possible?
Downloadable API and XML Reference Guide 2025 R1 not Found
Links for Downloadable API and XML Reference Guide 2025 R1 on * https://catalog.ansys.com/Developers.cshtml * Workbench ACT Start Page both return Not Found (404). Is reference available somewhere else or are the links just broken?
Using workbench scripting can we get the analysis type of a system?
Say we have 2 systems in a workbench (WB) project. Can we then extract what analysis types these are using WB scripting?
Extract Tabular Data Min, Max, Avg of Field Results to csv file
The following code extracts the Tabular Data Min, Max, Avg Field Results seen in Mechanical (e.g. von mises stress, deformation, etc.) to a CSV file. The file is saved in the user_files folder in the Workbench Project folder. In contrary to other solutions in this Forum…
How to generate parametric geometry in Discovery using scripting?
Is it possible to generate parametric geometry in Discovery using scripting, and is there an example?
Why is the logger being deactivated when the APDL solver is triggered?
Hi Team, I was working with the logging module, and I've noticed that when the analysis is running, the logger disconnects. Once the solving process is complete, it automatically reconnects. Is there any solution to handle this issue?
How do I get the function to create an object from the object itself?
Is there a means of identifying the function that will create an object of a specific DataModelObjectCategory? From what I can tell, the function can frequently be identified by prepending "Add" to the beginning of the DataModelObjectCategory. However, sometimes the function for a given object category (ObjectCategory) is…
errors opening Ansys workbench and Ansys Fluent
Hi everyone, For school I have to use Ansys Fluent and Ansys Workbench. I have succesfully installed ansys but I get error when I try to open Ansys workbench and Ansys Fluent. Screenshots of the errors are supplied in the appendix (the first is the fluent error the second the workbench error). Ansys discovery does work…
Zoom into a point via scripting
I have the coordinates of a point I want to zoom into in the Active View via scripting. I can do this via the GUI by creating a point, selecting that point, and clicking Fit Selected. I cannot find a similar method in the Maxwell Scripting Guide. I found oEditor.ZoomToFit() but I am struggling figuring out how it works and…
HELP With Fill Command
So, I have a question on how to fill. I have a large number of shapes made by curves. I would like to fill in the area outside of the shapes, and not in the shapes. Below is the code I figured out would fill in the shapes. How can I modify this code? selection = Selection.Create(Curve1,Curve2,Curve3,Curve4,Curve5,Curve)…
Importing External Data Into Anysy with Python
I have followed some code I found in this forum to import external data into Ansys with Python and can't seem to get the subsequent files to update the Data Type, Data Unit, and Data Identifier fields. Is there a specific way to update this? The working code I have is shown below. External Data Inputs DataPath =…
Problem with installing PyAEDT
Hello, I am having trouble installing PyAEDT and get the following error message: "Error occurred configuring the PyAEDT panels" (see attached screenshot) Thank you for your help!
How to remove variable 'override' in an optimization setup via scripting?
Hello, If I have a Circuit Optimization setup in which an optimization variable has the override checkbox checked, I am not able to remove this override via scripting. I cannot find any information on how to do this in the documentation, and if I am to record a script of myself unchecking the override box, there is nothing…
How to initiate concurrent Circuit Optimizations via scripting
In AEDT desktop GUI it is not possible to run concurrent Circuit Optimizations if the optimization setups are in the same circuit 'design'. It is however possible to run concurrent optimization setups if they are from different designs even if both designs are within the same project. I am not able to achieve the same…
How to output selection the name selection with mechanical script?
As the figs shown, I want to output the name selection result data, but the mechanical scripting doesn't record the hangdling operation. Can you give me a hand?
Get each body mesh status
I want to get each mesh status by individual. For example, I have two body in geometry and I want to know each body generate mesh status Currently I can get all mesh status by below code. test = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Mesh test.ObjectState Thanks
Looking to automate export velocity FRF via input file running in a cluster Ansys harmonic analysis
Hello Experts, I need to export velocity FRF of predefined named selections in a harmonic analysis. I'm creating a input file from GUI and solving it using an inhouse HPC cluster. RST file size is very large that I cant download it to generate a FRF. So need a method by which it will create a CSV/txt file for required…
MAPDL one-way FSI
Hi there, I hope you are doing well. I am currently trying to perform a one-way FSI in ansys APDL but am struggling with making the files containing the pressure per frequency and per node. I tried to make a script that saves the pressures like this: Node #, Freq1, Freq2,... But because the amount of Freqs changes per…