How can I create copies of the meshed region to plot multiple field contours on the duplicated mesh

Vishnu Member, Employee Posts: 222
100 Comments 100 Likes Second Anniversary Name Dropper
edited September 2024 in Structures

Sometimes, we simply want to create a linear pattern of the existing mesh region in DPF to plot various contours on them.



  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Member, Employee Posts: 222
    100 Comments 100 Likes Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited September 2024

    Below is the python result implementation of contour plot of displacement in X,Y and Z on the duplicated meshed regions. Note for larger mesh size this could be cumbersome to do it.

    def post_started(sender, analysis):# Do not edit this line
    # Uncomment this function to enable retrieving results from the table/chart
    # def table_retrieve_result(value):# Do not edit this line
        # import mech_dpf
        # import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf
        # wf = dpf.Workflow(this.WorkflowId)
        # wf.Connect('contour_selector', value)
        # this.Evaluate()
    def define_dpf_workflow(analysis):
        import mech_dpf
        import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf
        #Result Data
        analysis1 = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0]
        dataSource = dpf.DataSources(analysis1.Solution.ResultFilePath)
        my_model = dpf.Model(analysis1.Solution.ResultFilePath)
        #my mesh
        my_mesh = my_model.Mesh
        #extract field
        dispfield1 = dpf.operators.result.displacement_X(data_sources=dataSource).outputs.fields_container.GetData()[0]
        dispfield2 = dpf.operators.result.displacement_Y(data_sources=dataSource).outputs.fields_container.GetData()[0]
        dispfield3 = dpf.operators.result.displacement_Z(data_sources=dataSource).outputs.fields_container.GetData()[0]
        total_copies = 2
        list_of_fields = [dispfield1,dispfield2,dispfield3]
        offsets_for_copies = [20.0,0.0,0.0]
        def create_copy_mesh_field(list_of_fields,total_copies):
              #check if size matches
              if total_copies + 1 > list_of_fields.Count:
                  list_of_fields.extend([list_of_fields[0]] * (total_copies + 1 - len(list_of_fields)))
              mesh_nodes = my_mesh.Nodes
              mesh_node_ids = my_mesh.NodeIds
              mesh_elements = my_mesh.Elements
              total_nodes = mesh_nodes.Count
              total_elements = mesh_elements.Count
              for copy_nr in range(1,total_copies+1):
                  offsetX = offsets_for_copies[0]*copy_nr
                  offsetY = offsets_for_copies[1]*copy_nr
                  offsetZ = offsets_for_copies[2]*copy_nr
                  list(map(lambda x: my_mesh.AddNode(total_nodes * copy_nr + x[0] + 1, [x[1].X + offsetX, x[1].Y + offsetY, x[1].Z + offsetZ]), enumerate(mesh_nodes)))
                  updated_mesh_nodes = my_mesh.NodeIds
                  # Create a dictionary to map node IDs to their indices
                  index_mapping = {value: index for index, value in enumerate(updated_mesh_nodes)}
                  # Use map and lambda to add elements
                  list(map(lambda x: my_mesh.AddSolidElement(
                      total_elements * copy_nr + x[0] + 1,
                      [index_mapping[node_id + total_nodes * copy_nr] 
                       for node_id in x[1].NodeIds if node_id + total_nodes * copy_nr in index_mapping]
                  ), enumerate(mesh_elements)))
              com_field_size = my_mesh.NodeCount
              combined_field = dpf.FieldsFactory.CreateScalarField(com_field_size)
              combined_fieldData = []
              for field in list_of_fields:
                  combined_fieldData = combined_fieldData + [field.GetEntityDataById(x)[0] for x in mesh_node_ids] 
              combined_field.Data = combined_fieldData
              combined_field.ScopingIds = my_mesh.NodeIds
              return my_mesh,combined_field
        my_mesh,combined_field = create_copy_mesh_field(list_of_fields,total_copies)
        dpf_workflow = dpf.Workflow()
        # dpf_workflow.SetInputName(u, 0, 'time')
        # dpf_workflow.Connect('time', timeScop)
        dpf_workflow.Record('wf_id', False)
        this.WorkflowId = dpf_workflow.GetRecordedId()