Why solving using API Python Script Take More Time Compared to GUI interface?

I have written a API Python script to repeatedly solve a FE model in Mechanical. I find that, per simulation, the total time (Mesh+Solve) with script is twice (and more) compared to GUI interface.
Am I the one facing this issue? Assuming this issue exists, what steps I have take to make the total time same at least, if not less.
Hi Stacky! Could the issue be that the GUI is using multi-core processing? Could you please provide a bit more information about how you are running the calculations through Python?
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This is certainly not a universal problem with running Mechanical by script versus interactively. I agree with @Stacky that different parallel processing settings is the most likely culprit, but it is hard to say without more details. I recommend you compare the .out files for clues. If you are still stuck, please share more details, such as your script files.