Is there any good way to use code check if the geometry is Visible?

ZZ.tang Member Posts: 20
10 Comments Name Dropper

ANSYS mechanical
version 2021r2 & 2023R1

Is there any good way to use code check if a geometry is Visible?
The geometries include the body\face\edge.



  • AlexGh
    AlexGh Member Posts: 26
    10 Comments First Answer Name Dropper

    Hi ZZ.tang!
    For example, like this:

    # body: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Body
    body = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.Body)[0]
    isBodyVisible = body.Visible
    body.Visible = True # Show body
    body.Visible = False # Hide body
    # part: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Part
    part = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.Part)[0]
    isPartVisible = part.Visible
    part.Visible = True # Show part
    part.Visible = False # Hide part
  • Erik Kostson
    Erik Kostson Member, Employee Posts: 247
    50 Answers 100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes


    not sure what the question is here (perhaps there is none :))?

    If you are having any issues with the script, or u would like to ask something, please expand and explain a bit more in detail and we will then try and help.

    thank you


  • ZZ.tang
    ZZ.tang Member Posts: 20
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    My question> @AlexGh said:

    Hi ZZ.tang!
    For example, like this:

    # body: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Body
    body = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.Body)[0]
    isBodyVisible = body.Visible
    body.Visible = True # Show body
    body.Visible = False # Hide body
    # part: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Part
    part = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.Part)[0]
    isPartVisible = part.Visible
    part.Visible = True # Show part
    part.Visible = False # Hide part

    Thanks AlexGh Eric,

    let me try to explain my question more clearly.
    I'm trying to use "DataModel.GeoData.GeoEntityById(geoid)"
    to get a "Ansys.ACT.Common.Geometry.GeoBodyWrapper \ GeoFaceWrapper \GeoEdgeWrapper"
    I want to know if the Geo****Wrapper has been hidden in GUI.

    Or is there any good way to check if a "Geo****Wrapper" is belonging to a "DataModelObjectCategory"


  • Erik Kostson
    Erik Kostson Member, Employee Posts: 247
    50 Answers 100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes
    edited October 25


    A geobody does not have such property (check if visible - see below link on the difference between the 2 bodies which can be confusing)

    One can though combine the above script, and getting the Tree body from a Geo body , and then checking if the Tree body is visible or not (above script).

    (see below the difference between the two type of bodies and how to obtain them)

    All the best


  • ZZ.tang
    ZZ.tang Member Posts: 20
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    @Erik Kostson said:

    A geobody does not have such property (check if visible - see below link on the difference between the 2 bodies which can be confusing)

    One can though combine the above script, and getting the Tree body from a Geo body , and then checking if the Tree body is visible or not (above script).

    (see below the difference between the two type of bodies and how to obtain them)

    All the best


    Thanks Erik, this is very helpful for me.