How to orient a .unv file using 3-Node Alignment in ANSYS Workbench script?

Hello everyone,
I'm using ANSYS Workbench scripting for the MAC Calculator (NVH toolkit) and encountering an issue with the command that orients the experimental model.
Does anyone know how to orient a .unv file using 3-node alignment using script?
here is my script :
Create MAC Calculator
MAC_analysis = DataModel.GetObjectById(131)
MAC_object = MAC_analysis.CreatePostObject("MACTreeObject","NVHToolkit")
Import experimental result
MAC_object.Properties['File2Options/File'].Value = filepath
Orient UNV file
temp_prop = MAC_object.Properties['File2Options/OrientBy']
temp_prop.Value = r'3 Node Alignment'
MAC_object.Properties['File2Options/OrientBy/NodePair1'].Value=['Named Selection','NODE1',194] #not working
temp_prop = MAC_object.Properties['MACOPT_RSTMACOptions/Tolerance']
temp_prop.Value = r'Yes'
Thank you for any guidance!