Possible to copy sheet in excel document from Ansys?
I have a small python script that writes results to an existing excel document. The script creates a new sheet for each result set in Ansys, and works as intended.
Now I would like (for each result set) to:
1) Copy the first sheet in existing excel document and re-name it
2) Write Ansys data to cells of the copied sheet
In existing excel document there are a few calculations defined, that should be done with new data as input (this can likely be done more efficient using numpy, but as that requires some additional tweaking of workbench (to my understanding) I would like to avoid that, at least for now).
To solve this I have tried with different variants of copy, but not found anything that works. When interacting with excel from Ansys I have mostly taken other examples and slightly modified them, so my knowledge here is rather limited.
Picture schematically of current script and what I am trying to achieve.
Would it be possible to copy a sheet in an existing excel file from Ansys/python?
Best regards,