Submit to remote Linux node with pyFluent
I want to start a Fluent session on a remote linux node with my python code running from a Windows VDI.
I can to this via commandline with or without Slurm queue:
fluent 3d -g -rsh="plink -batch -i private_key.ppk -l testuser -v" -nodepath=/ansys_inc/v242/fluent -node0= -setenv="FLUENT_REMOTE_SSH=1" -scheduler=slurm -scheduler_account=testuser -nm
When I translate this to a launch_fluent command:
slurm = pyfluent.launch_fluent(precision="double", processor_count=2, mode="solver", product_version='24.2', additional_arguments='-rsh="plink -batch -i private_key.ppk -l testuser -N -v" -nodepath=/ansys_inc/v242/fluent -node0= -setenv="FLUENT_REMOTE_SSH=1"' )
I am unable to spawn the processes on the Linux node, the processes on the Windows machine just seem to idle:
Reading key file "private_key.ppk" Using username "testuser". Offered public key Offer of public key accepted Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20241111" Sent public key signature Access granted Remote debug message: /home/testuser/.ssh/authorized_keys:1: key options: agent-forwarding port-forwarding pty user-rc x11-forwarding Remote debug message: /home/testuser/.ssh/authorized_keys:1: key options: agent-forwarding port-forwarding pty user-rc x11-forwarding Check your network connections and remote shell configuration. If you are on a slow network or running through a scheduler like lsf or sge, you may choose to wait. Type Ctrl-C to interrupt.
Any advice would be welcome
Best Regards
Hi @Farai That's an interesting issue you've got there. I've got in touch with some people who might be able to help.