Error when retrieving Results from Large Time History Analysis rst (19GB)

Hi all, thank you in advance for your attention and the support I am sure you will provide. I am new to using pyANSYS tools and started by retrieving displacements (and/or accelerations) from a structural modal superposition (1200 modes) THA. The rst file generated is kind of 19GB. I am retrieving results correctly in Workbench.
The thing is that I consistently get an weeor when trying to select alls sets by all_set=True . I did not face any trouble if picking a particular set_id, see for instance below:

Try to read results for all_sets -> it consistently gives an error:

Try to read results for, say 1000 sets, it seems to work (but it does not work for a range 1:4096 which is all_sets=True)

Additional information (package version installed)
ansys-dpf-core 0.13.0
ansys-dpf-post 0.9.0

Any help/guidance is hihgly appreaciated!

