Workbench with two linked SpaceClaim geometries (one for design one for FEA)

BvanderHeijden Member Posts: 1 **

Dear all,

I'm working on a joint and need two linked versions of a geometry. One should be a basic coarse CAD without fillets chamfers and other small geometries as this needs to be able to control this mesh accurately (some complex multi self-contact Mechanical simulation which for academic reasons requires perfect quad meshes) and a second CAD where all the fillets and other details are included.

I currently have them as two separate objects in my workbench, but now I need to change the dimensional details twice if anything changes. Can I somehow have the detailed CAD inherit the coarse geometry and then add fillets in a way that it updates automatically. (Similarly to how Ansys Mechanical updates the geometry automagically if my geometry changes).

Kind regards,


  • Rajesh Meena
    Rajesh Meena Moderator, Employee Posts: 128
    100 Comments 25 Likes Second Anniversary 5 Answers

    I am not sure if I understood correctly but this does not seem to be question for automation, scripting.

    I would encourage to raise a support request for this for better response.

    Still, If your mechanical project is defined based on named selections then you should be able to easily handle the changes, keeping named selection consistent across modified cad.