How to create a combined input file for Prestressed Modal Msup Transient analysis via script?

Rohith Patchigolla
Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 218
100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes

I have a Static-Modal-Transient analysis which I want to run in the HPC Linux cluster. For this, I want to create a single input file. I do it currently manually and insert /rename command at the end of each input file to rename the rst of that particular analysis. How to automate this?


  • Rohith Patchigolla
    Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 218
    100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes

    You can try the below script (run it in Mechanical Scripting Console or create a custom button in Mechanical) to create a combined input file saved in the user files directory of the project.

    Please note that this is assuming your Static, Modal and Transient analysis are first, second and third analysis in the tree. If not, please adjust the index accordingly for all the three DataModel.AnalysisList[] commands.

    import wbjn
    import os
    userfilesdir = wbjn.ExecuteCommand(ExtAPI,"""returnValue(GetUserFilesDirectory())""")
    combinedFile = "run.dat"
    staticFile = "static.dat"
    ModalFile = "Modal.dat"
    TransientFile = "Trans.dat"
    staticFilePath = os.path.join(userfilesdir,staticFile)
    modalFilePath = os.path.join(userfilesdir,ModalFile)
    transientFilePath = os.path.join(userfilesdir,TransientFile)
    StaticAnalysis = DataModel.AnalysisList[0]
    ModalAnalysis = DataModel.AnalysisList[1]
    TransientAnalysis = DataModel.AnalysisList[2]
    StaticEndCommands = """/rename,file,rst,,static,rst"""
    ModalEndCommands = """/rename,file,rst,,modal,rst"""
    TransientEndCommands = """/rename,file,rst,,transient,rst"""
    # List of input .dat files and the corresponding end text
    files = [staticFilePath, modalFilePath, transientFilePath]
    end_texts = [StaticEndCommands, ModalEndCommands, TransientEndCommands]
    with open(os.path.join(userfilesdir,combinedFile), 'w') as combined_file:
        for i, file in enumerate(files):
            with open(file, 'r') as f:
            combined_file.write("\n" + end_texts[i] + "\n")