Mapdl in a loop: computation times increases

I am using mapdl to run independent static simulations in a loop.
mapdl = launch_mapdl(...)
for i in range(1000):
t = time.time()
static_computation()#calling mapdl solver
elapsed = time.time() - t
I did a bunch of tests and have noticed
that for my first 11 iterations my elapsed time in around 0.6 sec (for each computation) then it gets 3-4 times longer. Then it continually increases: after a few hundreds iterations my elapsed time is around 3sec (for each computation).
Do you know what could cause this and how to remedy ?
I noticed that my file.err gets bigger for each run (additional warning being written) and my file .rdb gets also bigger.
As my static simulation are independent from one another, I could maybe clear the data but I don't want it to take longer than just writing on it..
Ideally I would like to remove these files that I don't need.
Besides I don't think that the two files getting bigger is the sole explanation (having a factor 3-4 after just 11 iterations).