How to export electric field and coordinates on a surface in a volume via script

I have a solid object named Electrode in volume Region, and I want to extract the electric field values in Region on the surface of Electrode. This is what's plotted when I select Electrode and then go to Fields > E > Mag_E and then in the following dialogue box select Region under In Volume and tick Plot on surface only. However, when I export this data, it's written out in aedtplt format, and I was hoping for something simpler.

I tried
file="Mag_E", assignment="Electrode", objects_type="Surf")
but that gives me zero electric field values because Electrode is a conductor, and I want what's in the volume on its surface but I'm struggling how to designate that.

Any recommendations on how I could get a better grasp of PyAEDT on top of going through the tutorials and tunneling through the API reference pages would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you.