Response PSD with pyAnsys/DPF

Balazs.Kovacs Member Posts: 1 **

Hello everyone!

I would like to extract response PSDs using DPF-core from a Python code, if possible from outside of Mechanical. The goal would be to get the same results, which you can get using the Response PSD tool within Mechanical. (See attached picture.) I am using ansys-dpf-core 0.13.0 and ansys-dpf-post 0.9.0, alongside 2023R2.

My main question is, whether this is possible at all, or the relevant information is stored in the '.psd' file? (Which is not compatible with dpf yet, if I understood the documentation.) For Harmonic Response Analysis, I have my solutions to extract the FRF, but I would like to be able to do it from a Random Vibration analysis as well. Second question is, can we scope the response PSD result to individual nodes? The tool in mechanical only allows the selection of vertices, coordinate systems and geometry entities.

Thanks for the help!
