How can I run a pyensight script in parallel

I have a pyensight script (attached) that runs serially on HPC systems ... it processes LS DYNA data and takes about 15 minutes to output an AVI movie. I would like to run this script in parallel.

I can run client-server sessions of EnSight, connecting to the system where my data is located. I thought that if I could kick off a session where I have several nodes, and several processes per node - then load the script through the COMMAND interface, it might run in parallel using the resources allocated by PBS Pro settings of the job. However, I am unsuccessful in finding a way to run this script from within a client-server session. The only way I know to execute the script is from the command line:

% cpython

Basically, I am looking for instructions for executing the script in a parallel manner that would speed up processing the files.

  • Can the script be modified to run in parallel?
  • Is there a way to launch the script from a parallel ensight client-server session?

Thanks for any suggestions ...
