How to plot charts in Mechanical?

Ayush Kumar
Ayush Kumar Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 419
5 Likes First Anniversary Ansys Employee Solution Developer Community of Practice Member
edited June 2023 in Structures

How to plot charts in Mechanical?


Best Answers


  • Pernelle Marone-Hitz
    Pernelle Marone-Hitz Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 831
    First Comment First Anniversary Ansys Employee Solution Developer Community of Practice Member

    @Ayush Kumar ; @M none of the links above work anymore. If you remember the solutions, could you please consider sharing them here ? Many thanks

    @pmaddula FYI

  • M
    M Member, Employee Posts: 231
    First Comment First Anniversary Ansys Employee Solution Developer Community of Practice Member
    edited June 2023

    Attaching the pdf for the simple solution with charts embedded in mechanical.