Using Mechanical scripting, how do I search for objects in the tree?
For example, how would I get a pressure load named MyPressure or all Named Selections scoped to nodes?
Best Answer
I think, the
has more potential in this caseTree.Find(string name, Func[IDataModelObject, bool] func, string tag,ObjectState state)
Gets a list of all objects with the specified parameters.
Remarks: Note that all parameters of Find are optional.
Name: Defaults to ""
Func: Defaults to null
Tag: Defaults to ""
State: Defaults to ObjectState.NoState
Example: The following command finds all objects with an state of Suppressed.
Example: The following command finds all objects with a name of "Force" and a tag of "Load".
ExtAPI.DataModel.Tree.Find(name="Force", tag="Load")
Example: The following command finds all objects with the name "Pressure", the function "defineByVector",
the Tag "Test", and a ObjectState of Suppressed.
def defineByVector(obj): if (obj.DefineBy == LoadDefineBy.Vector): return True return False ExtAPI.DataModel.Tree.Find(name="Pressure", func=defineByVector, tag="Test", state=ObjectState.Suppressed)
Here are two useful methods for searching for objects in the Mechanical tree:
ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType() ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName()
Let's take a look at their usage in the context of your examples. To get the pressure loads named MyPressure:
objs_named_MyPressure = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName('MyPressure') all_pressure_load_objs = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.BoundaryConditions.Pressure) pressure_objs_named_MyPressure = [i for i in objs_named_MyPressure if i in all_pressure_load_objs] pressure_objs_named_MyPressure
Note that pressure_objs_named_MyPressure will be a list of all the pressure objects named MyPressure. If we are only listed in the 1st such object:
MyObj = pressure_objs_named_MyPressure[0]
To get all Named Selections scoped to nodes:
NSs = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.NamedSelection) node_NSs = [ns for ns in NSs if ns.Location.SelectionType == ns.Location.SelectionType.MeshNodes]
Note that there are two different ways to specify the argument for GetObjectsByType(), which have both been demonstrated in the above examples: You can either use the full object type or the DataModelObjectCategory. To get the full object type, select a representative object in the tree and run the following command in the scripting console:
Alternatively, you can browse for a DataModelObjectCategory by typing
in the scripting console and searching for the appropriate option: