pyANSYS Installation procedure for Linux environment

We are using Ansys mechanical and fluent of version 2022R2 in HPC linux machine
Do we have pyANSYS incorporated with the above package or do we need to install separately?

If we need to install separately, could you please share the procedure to install in linux machine.

We could only find for Windows (

Also please share pre-requisites launch job in pyANSYS.




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  • Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 873
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    Hi @Siva-Kumar SEKAR , PyAnsys works in client-server mode (for most of the packages). The server is shipped with the standard installation, but you will have to install the client part (ie the one you install from pip install, see

  • Member Posts: 3
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    Hello Pernelle

    Thank you for the installation procedure.
    We have installed pyANSYS in our linux environment.

    Could you please share pyANSYS sample commands to launch a simulation job?


  • Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 873
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    Hi @Siva-Kumar SEKAR , each documentation of each PyAnsys package shows how to do that. Note - before you referenced a link to the PyDPF documentation. PyDPF does not _simulate _anything, it extracts data from files (usually, result files) and enables manipulating and plotting this data.

  • Member Posts: 3
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    Hello @Pernelle Marone-Hitz ,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Can you share the license requirement for pyANSYS?


  • Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 873
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    Hi @Siva-Kumar SEKAR , PyAnsys itself does not consume a license. The Ansys products that you call through PyAnsys will. For PyDPF, the license consumption will depend on whether you're using Entry or Premium operator. This is explained in the PyDPF documentation.

  • Member Posts: 17
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    @Pernelle Marone-Hitz

    Please I have a question about using pyansys on Linux HPC

    from the cheat sheet for pymechanical, I can use the code below to find where AnsysWBU.exe is located on Windows computer;

    from ansys.mechanical.core import find_mechanical

    wb_exe = find_mechanical(241)[0]

    On Linux I have tried to do same code:

    from ansys.mechanical.core import find_mechanical

    wb_exe = find_mechanical(232)[0]

    but it returns an empty string:

    I have checked the folder

    /Ansys Inc/v232/aisol/bin/linx64/*

    but I did not fine the AnsysWBU.exe

    My question then is, is there a different way to find the .exe file or is this file different for Linux?

    Thank you in advance

  • Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 873
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    @CollinsJnr Please create a new post for this as the topics are different. Thank you


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