How can I can create a named selection of spheres of certain volume?

Erik Kostson
Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 311
Say we have a group of spheres and other parts (say enclosure). How can one create a named selection of spheres of certain volume using scripting?
Best Answer
Probably many ways of doing this, but below is one sample script that does that (modify as needed) - minimum volume and maximum needs to be adjusted to capture the sphere size needed.
- mys=[]
- mye=[]
- vmin= 4.e-06 # min. volume of spheres in m3
- vmax = 4.4e-06 # max. volume of spheres in m3
- assembly = GetRootPart()
- bodies=assembly.Bodies
- for body in bodies:
- if body.GetMaster().Shape.IsClosed==True: # check it is a solid body and not surface body
- s=body.Shape
- vol=s.Volume
- if vol >=vmin and vol <=vmax:
- print('sphere found : ' + str(body.GetName()))
- mys.append(body)
- else:
- mye.append(body)
- print('sphere not found : ' + str(body.GetName()))
- primarySelection = Selection.Create(mys)
- secondarySelection = Selection.Empty()
- resultmys = NamedSelection.Create(primarySelection, secondarySelection)
- NamedSelection.Rename("Group1", "Spheres")
- Selection.Clear()
- primarySelection = Selection.Create(mye)
- secondarySelection = Selection.Empty()
- resultmye = NamedSelection.Create(primarySelection, secondarySelection)
- NamedSelection.Rename("Group1", "Rest")
One can also look at how many faces the parts have (say a sphere might have only one and that can be then used as a criteria to find all spheres)
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