How can I create a selection of adjacent edges using Scripting?

Ayush Kumar
Ayush Kumar Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 470
100 Answers 250 Likes 100 Comments Second Anniversary

How can I create a selection of adjacent edges using Scripting?


  • Ayush Kumar
    Ayush Kumar Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 470
    100 Answers 250 Likes 100 Comments Second Anniversary

    You need to define an initial selection using the Geometrical ID, for example let us start with an edge ID 180 and then collect all the adjacent selections and create a named selection:

    # create a new empty selection
    tempSel = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
    # provide list of Ids of entities to select
    tempSel.Ids = [180]
    cs = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CurrentSelection
    ns = Model.AddNamedSelection()
    ns.Location = cs
    ns.Name = "Loop_1"