Get maximum nodal stress values instead of averaged

I am developing a Python script to read an rst file using dpf reader and return the maximum nodal stress values instead of averaged ones. To be specific for a particular node (let's say node 1) there will be multiple stress tensors contributed by all the elements that share node 1. When I try to get the nodal stress values it returns the average of all stress components. But, I need the maximum of stress components among all the element contributions (maximum of sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, ... at node 1 among all the elemental contributions at node 1. I was able to do this using a for loop, however for a larger model, it consumes a lot of time. Is there any way to do the same in an efficient manner?
Hi @Samukham ,
It seems you are retrieving the stress at the nodal location. I would recommend using the elemental nodal location instead, so you'll get values per nodes per element (so, unaveraged ones). You can refer to this post that provides a solution for Mechanical DPF, the approach will be similar in PyDPF:
Once you've obtained the stress values, you can use the min/max operator to retrieve the max value.
I hope this helps. Best regards.