Unable to connect Pyprimemesh server.

Hello All,
Can anyone guide me, How to launch Ansys pyprimemesh library and connect to server? Rightnow I have ansys 2023R1 licensed version and python 3.9 version. Also installed pyprimemesh file from Github. then afterthat how to use and connect? I am already taking help of pyansys documentary. (https://prime.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/getting_started/index.html) still not able to connect it ?
script :-
- pip install ansys-meshing-prime[all]
import ansys.meshing.prime as prime
with prime.launch_prime() as prime_client:
model = prime_client.model
Error:- Please see the attachment.
Hi @Prathmesh sanas , just my two cents here. Can you try explicitely installing release 0.2.X of PyPrimeMesh to make sure that you are not facing compatibility issues:
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Hello @Pernelle Marone-Hitz ,
In any case, is it possible to launch PyPrimeMesh in Ansys 2022R2?
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Ansys: F:\AnsysStudent\v241\ansys\bin\winx64\ansys241.exe
prime._version : 0.5.1
ConnectionError: Failed to checkout license. Please make sure you have a valid license.