Python Result example: Plot Young Modulus on elements
Pernelle Marone-Hitz
Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 870
in Structures
Using DPF inside a Python Result in Mechanical, how can I plot the material properties on each element of the model?
Here's an example using the Young Modulus. It the adapation to Mechanical of an example provided in the PyDPF documentation:
Model is made of two cubes in contact, with two different materials defined:
Insert a Python Result object:
Copy-paste and adapt the following code:
def post_started(sender, analysis):# Do not edit this line define_dpf_workflow(analysis) def define_dpf_workflow(analysis): import mech_dpf import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf mech_dpf.setExtAPI(ExtAPI) # Define datasource and get mesh dataSources = dpf.DataSources() dataSources.SetResultFilePath(analysis.ResultFileName) model = dpf.Model(dataSources) mesh = model.Mesh # Get material properties and especially the Young Modulus values mats = mesh.GetPropertyField("mat") mat_prop = model.CreateOperator("mapdl_material_properties") mat_prop.inputs.materials.Connect(mats) mat_prop.inputs.properties_name.Connect("EX") mat_prop.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSources) mat_field = mat_prop.outputs.properties_value.GetData()[0] # Create a new field (elem number, Young Modulus on element) new_field = dpf.FieldsFactory.CreateScalarField(mesh.ElementCount) new_field.MeshedRegionSupport = mesh new_field.ScopingIds = mesh.ElementIds new_field.Location = 'Elemental' matids = [mats.GetEntityDataById(elem_id) for elem_id in mesh.ElementIds] young_modulus = [mat_field.GetEntityDataById(matid[0])[0] for matid in matids] new_field.Data = young_modulus # Forward field for plotting forward = dpf.operators.utility.forward_field() forward.inputs.field.Connect(new_field) dpf_workflow = dpf.Workflow() dpf_workflow.Add(forward) dpf_workflow.SetOutputContour(forward) dpf_workflow.Record('wf_id', False) this.WorkflowId = dpf_workflow.GetRecordedId()
Connect the result and evaluate it:
The returned plot is:1