Export E-field from a line-object with pyaedt

Hi everyone,
im looking for a pyaedt code that allow to export the e-field on an object (for example a line) in a txt file.
Thank you!
Dear Davide, thank you for your question. Which tool are you using exactly? Maxwell or HFSS?
In any case you may find some inspiration in these examples:https://aedt.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/examples/02-HFSS/index.html
Best Regards,
Tiziana0 -
Dear Tiziana,
thank you for your reply.
I am working on HFSS and my purpose is to export the electric field from different objects to different txt files.Best regards
Davide0 -
Hi @Davide Guarnera ,
Thanks for your request.
In order to export a field plot you could do so by using:- export_field_plot(plotname=your_plot_name, filepath=file_path, filename=your_file_name, file_format=your_file_format)
- plot_field_from_fieldplot() -> to see an example please have a look at the Nissan Leaf example on PyAEDT page: https://aedt.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_NissanLeaf.html#sphx-glr-examples-03-maxwell-maxwell2d-nissanleaf-py that exports a field plot to an image file (JPG or PNG) using Python PyVista but also exports the plot as a .case file.
Hopefully this helps!
Kind regards