PyDPF and Mechanical produce different current density results.
I wrote the code below, but the current density value in the automation program using PyDPF and the current density value in Mechanical are different, so how can I output the same?
def plot_result(self):
rst = runpath2+"/WB/Busbar_files/dp0/SYS/MECH/file.rst"
model = dpf.Model(rst)
- time_1 = list(
- dt_times=[str(round(items,2)) for items in time_1]
- if self.dt_box.currentText()=="Last Time":
- index = -1
- if self.dt_box.count() == 1:
- self.dt_box.addItems(dt_times)
- self.dt_box.removeItem(0)
- else:
- index = self.dt_box.currentIndex()
- if self.model_box.currentText()=="Full Model":
- part_name = "MESH_SZ"
- else:
- part_name = self.model_box.currentText()
- part_name = part_name.upper()
- part_name = "NS_" + part_name
- if self.radio_temp.isChecked():
- my_mesh_scoping = model.metadata.named_selection(part_name)
- scoping_op = dpf.operators.mesh.from_scoping()
- scoping_op.inputs.scoping.connect(my_mesh_scoping)
- scoping_op.inputs.mesh.connect(meshed)
- my_mesh = scoping_op.outputs.mesh()
- if index == 0:
- index2 = 0
- get_all_temp = model.results.temperature.on_all_time_freqs
- get_fieldContents_temp = get_all_temp(mesh_scoping=my_mesh_scoping).eval()
- get_field_temp = get_fieldContents_temp[index2]
- elif index == -1:
- index2 = -1
- get_all_temp = model.results.temperature.on_last_time_freq
- get_fieldContents_temp = get_all_temp(mesh_scoping=my_mesh_scoping).eval()
- get_field_temp = get_fieldContents_temp[0]
- else:
- index2 = index * 2
- get_all_temp = model.results.temperature.on_all_time_freqs
- get_fieldContents_temp = get_all_temp(mesh_scoping=my_mesh_scoping).eval()
- get_field_temp = get_fieldContents_temp[index2]
- res_nodal_op=dpf.operators.averaging.elemental_nodal_to_nodal()
- my_field = get_field_temp
- res_nodal_op.inputs.field.connect(my_field)
- get_field_temp=res_nodal_op.outputs.field()
- field = get_field_temp
- meshed_region = my_mesh
- mesh_location = meshed_region.nodes
- component_count = field.component_count
- overall_data = np.full((len(mesh_location), component_count), np.nan)
- ind, mask = mesh_location.map_scoping(field.scoping)
- value_array =[mask].reshape(-1, 1)
- overall_data[ind] = value_array
- grid = meshed_region.grid
- max_temp = max(overall_data)
- min_temp = min(overall_data)
- self.pd = pv.UnstructuredGrid(grid.cells,grid.celltypes, grid.points)
- title2= "Temperature($^\circ$C) \n"+"Time ="+str(round(time_1[index],2))
- sbar_kwargs =dict(title_font_size=18, label_font_size=15, height=0.8, width=0.12, vertical=True, interactive=False, position_x=0.05, position_y=0.1, color="black", title=title2, n_labels=6, fmt="%10.3f")
- self.plotter.enable_point_picking(left_clicking=True,pickable_window=False)
- self.plotter.add_mesh(self.pd,pickable=True, scalars=overall_data, show_scalar_bar=True, scalar_bar_args=sbar_kwargs, show_edges=False, cmap='jet', rng=(min_temp, max_temp))
- elif self.radio_hf.isChecked():
- my_mesh_scoping = model.metadata.named_selection(part_name)
- scoping_op = dpf.operators.mesh.from_scoping()
- scoping_op.inputs.scoping.connect(my_mesh_scoping)
- scoping_op.inputs.mesh.connect(meshed)
- my_mesh = scoping_op.outputs.mesh()
- if index == 0:
- index = 0
- get_all_currentdensity = model.results.current_density.on_all_time_freqs
- get_fieldContents_currentdensity = get_all_currentdensity(mesh_scoping=my_mesh_scoping).eval()
- get_field_currentdensity = get_fieldContents_currentdensity[index]
- elif index == -1:
- index = -1
- get_all_currentdensity = model.results.current_density.on_last_time_freq
- get_fieldContents_currentdensity = get_all_currentdensity(mesh_scoping=my_mesh_scoping).eval()
- get_field_currentdensity = get_fieldContents_currentdensity[0]
- else:
- get_all_currentdensity = model.results.current_density.on_all_time_freqs
- get_fieldContents_currentdensity = get_all_currentdensity(mesh_scoping=my_mesh_scoping).eval()
- get_field_currentdensity = get_fieldContents_currentdensity[index]
- res_nodal_op=dpf.operators.averaging.elemental_nodal_to_nodal()
- my_field = get_field_currentdensity
- res_nodal_op.inputs.field.connect(my_field)
- get_field_currentdensity=res_nodal_op.outputs.field()
- field = get_field_currentdensity
- meshed_region = my_mesh
- mesh_location = meshed_region.nodes
- component_count = field.component_count
- overall_data = np.full((len(mesh_location), component_count), np.nan)
- ind, mask = mesh_location.map_scoping(field.scoping)
- overall_data[ind] =[mask]
- grid = meshed_region.grid
- grid.set_active_scalars(None)
- scaling = 5e-4
- grid["my_vectors"] = overall_data * scaling
- grid.set_active_vectors("my_vectors")
- vector_magnitudes = np.linalg.norm(overall_data, axis=1)
- max_temp = max(vector_magnitudes)
- min_temp = min(vector_magnitudes)
- title2= " Current Density(A/m\u00B2) \n"+"Time ="+str(round(time_1[index],2))
- sbar_kwargs =dict(title_font_size=18, label_font_size=15, height=0.8, width=0.12, vertical=True, interactive=False, position_x=0.05, position_y=0.1, color="black", title=title2, n_labels=6)#, fmt="%10.3f")
- self.plotter.add_mesh(grid.arrows, lighting=False, show_scalar_bar=False)
- self.plotter.add_mesh(grid, scalars= overall_data, show_edges=False, scalar_bar_args=sbar_kwargs, cmap='jet', rng=(min_temp, max_temp))
- self.plotter.window_size = [859, 429]
- self.plotter.add_camera_orientation_widget()
- self.plotter.camera_position='xy'
@jwkim is this resolved? If not, can you share the workbench project?
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@Rajesh Meena We haven't solved it yet. I've uploaded the workbench file you requested, please check it out.
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@jwkim Sorry for delay.
The results for current density are on elemental location .Which means you are getting elemental mean result from PyDPF. I verified it at my end and it is matching with Mechanical. Please confirm at your end.