Create groups from vertices on semi circles (top bottom face of half cylinders)
Erik Kostson
Member, Employee Posts: 200
Say we have a half cylindrical body, with semi circle like faces on the top and bottom.
How can we then create a group of the center vertex (so vertex existing in the center of the straight line of the semi circle, as shown below)?
One of many possible ways is to loop through a named selection containing planar faces (e.g., semi circle capping plane/face of the half cylinder(s)), and create a group out of that center vertex.
import math group = GetActiveWindow().ActiveWindow.Groups[0] cx=[] cy=[] cz=[] myv=[] myvIds=[] dist=1E12 me=group.Members for mem in me: if str(mem.Shape.Geometry.GetType())=="SpaceClaim.Api.V232.Geometry.Plane": nwedges=mem.Edges for nedge in nwedges: if str(nedge.Shape.Geometry.GetType())=='SpaceClaim.Api.V232.Geometry.Line': selections = EdgeSelection.Create(nedge) a=nedge.EvalMid().Point.Position cx=(a[0]) cy=(a[1]) cz=(a[2]) ep=nedge.GetChildren[CurvePoint]() for e in ep: ex=e.Position[0] ey=e.Position[1] ez=e.Position[2] dists=math.sqrt((float(cx)-ex)**2+(float(cy)-ey)**2+(float(cz)-ez)**2) if dists<dist: myvs=(e) dist=dists primarySelection = Selection.Create(myvs) secondarySelection = Selection.Empty() result = NamedSelection.Create(primarySelection, secondarySelection) dist=1E12
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