Modeling beam structures directly inside Ansys mechanical

Vishnu Member, Employee Posts: 222
100 Comments 100 Likes Second Anniversary Name Dropper
edited May 2024 in Structures

Note : No CAD tool is used here for creation of beams (its created directly in mechanical)

you could model beams using construction geometry in Ansys mechanical.

Below is an example how you could create beams directly inside mechanical having known a list of x,y,z points.

the example shows creation of below:

  1. straight beams or pipes ,
  2. L-shape pipes,
  3. U-shape pipes,
  4. Helix structures
  5. simple representation of real life cases like crane machine


  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Member, Employee Posts: 222
    100 Comments 100 Likes Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited May 2024

    The below function would create beams based on points

    def create_cir_beams_from_points(points):
        with Transaction(True):
            construction_line = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.ConstructionGeometry.AddConstructionLine()
            for pointlist in points:
                points = construction_line.CreatePoints(pointlist)
                for i in range(0, len(points) - 1):
                    edge = construction_line.CreateStraightLines([points[i], points[i + 1]], [(0, 1)])
            part_geo = construction_line.AddToGeometry()
            part = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Geometry.GetPart(part_geo)
            geo_bodies = part_geo.Bodies
            treebodies = map(lambda x: ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Geometry.GetBody(x), geo_bodies)

    now let us look at how you can use the above functions to create various structures

    for example:


    should create beams on a straight line(multi-body-part) like below:

    lets look at another example where we create a triangle shape using 3 beams
    as a single part

    beam1_points = [[0,0,0],[100,0,0]]
    beam2_points = [[100,0,0],[50,50,0]]
    beam3_points = [[50,50,0],[0,0,0]]

    similarly, you could as well create triangle shape as a single beam like below:

    beam1_points = [[0,0,0],[100,0,0],[50,50,0],[0,0,0]]

    lets look at an example of creating a U-shape pipe structure

    def generate_u_bend_points(radius, length, num_points):
        points = []
        # Straight section before the bend
        points.append([0, 0, 0])
        points.append([0, length, 0])
        # Semi-circular bend
        for i in range(num_points + 1):
            angle = math.pi * i / num_points
            x = radius * (1 - math.cos(angle))
            y = length + radius * math.sin(angle)
            points.append([x, y, 0])
        # Straight section after the bend
        points.append([2 * radius, length, 0])
        points.append([2 * radius, 0, 0])
        return points
    # Inputs
    radius = 5
    length = 10
    num_points = 20  # Number of points to define the semi-circular bend
    # Generate the points
    points = generate_u_bend_points(radius, length, num_points)
    # Create beams

    Let us create an L-Shape pipe now:

    def generate_l_bend_points(radius, length, num_points):
        points = []
        # Straight section before the bend
        points.append([0, 0, 0])
        points.append([0, length, 0])
        # Quarter-circular bend (90 degrees)
        for i in range(num_points + 1):
            angle = (math.pi / 2) * i / num_points
            x = radius * (1 - math.cos(angle))
            y = length + radius * math.sin(angle)
            points.append([x, y, 0])
        # Straight section after the bend
        points.append([radius, length + radius, 0])
        points.append([radius + length, length + radius, 0])
        return points
    # Inputs
    radius = 1.0
    length = 2.0
    num_points = 10
    points = generate_l_bend_points(radius, length, num_points)
    #create beams

    let us look at how you can create a single helical strand or coil:

    def generate_helix_points(radius, pitch, turns, num_points):
        points = []
        total_points = num_points * turns
        for i in range(total_points):
            t = i * (2 * math.pi / num_points)
            x = radius * math.cos(t)
            y = radius * math.sin(t)
            z = (pitch / (2 * math.pi)) * t
            points.append((x, y, z))
        return points
    # Inputs
    radius = 5
    pitch = 2
    turns = 10
    num_points = 100
    # Generate points for the helix
    helix_points = generate_helix_points(radius, pitch, turns, num_points)
    #Create beams

    now let us look at an example of how you can create multiple helix , typically used in braded hoses or wires.
    You can create multiple layers of this helix for multi layered helical structures

    def generate_multiple_helix_points(radius, pitch, length, num_points, num_strands):
        helix_points_list = []
        angle_increment = 2 * math.pi / num_strands
        z_increment = length / num_points
        for strand in range(num_strands):
            points = []
            start_angle = strand * angle_increment
            for i in range(num_points):
                t = i * (2 * math.pi / num_points)
                x = radius * math.cos(t + start_angle)
                y = radius * math.sin(t + start_angle)
                z = i * z_increment
                points.append((x, y, z))
        return helix_points_list
    radius = 5
    pitch = 20
    length = 100
    num_points = 100
    num_strands = 50
    # Generate points for helix
    multiple_helix_points = generate_multiple_helix_points(radius, pitch, length, num_points, num_strands)
    #create beams

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Member, Employee Posts: 222
    100 Comments 100 Likes Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited October 2024

    lets now create wire strands , like copper wire strands used in cables:

    import math
    def max_wires(circumference, wire_diameter):
        return int(circumference / wire_diameter)
    def generate_multiple_helix_points(radius, pitch, length, num_points, wire_radius):
        helix_points_list = []
        z_increment = length / num_points
        max_rad = int(radius / wire_radius)
        for rad in range(max_rad, 0, -1):
            current_radius = rad * wire_radius
            circumference = 2 * math.pi * current_radius
            num_strands = max_wires(circumference, 2 * wire_radius)
            angle_increment = 2 * math.pi / max(num_strands, 1)  # Avoid division by zero
            for strand in range(num_strands):
                points = []
                angle = strand * angle_increment
                for i in range(num_points):
                    t = i * (2 * math.pi / num_points)
                    x = current_radius * math.cos(t + angle)
                    y = current_radius * math.sin(t + angle)
                    z = i * z_increment
                    points.append((x, y, z))
        return helix_points_list
    # Inputs
    radius = 5  # in mm
    pitch = 20
    length = 100
    num_points = 100
    wire_radius = 1  # in mm
    # Generate points for helix
    multiple_helix_points = generate_multiple_helix_points(radius, pitch, length, num_points, wire_radius)
    # Create beams

    lets look at a realistic example, lets create a simple crane machine representation now:

    def generate_base_points(base_length, base_width):
        points = []
        # Base points
        points.append([0, 0, 0])
        points.append([base_length, 0, 0])
        points.append([base_length, base_width, 0])
        points.append([0, base_width, 0])
        return points
    def generate_mast_pillars(base_length, base_width, mast_height, num_points):
        points = []
        # Four vertical mast pillars
        for i in range(num_points + 1):
            z = mast_height * i / num_points
            points.append([0, 0, z])
            points.append([base_length, 0, z])
            points.append([base_length, base_width, z])
            points.append([0, base_width, z])
        return points
    def generate_cross_bars_for_mast(base_length, base_width, mast_height, num_points):
        points = []
        # Cross bars for the mast in the x-y plane
        for i in range(1, num_points):
            z = mast_height * i / num_points
            points.append([0, 0, z])
            points.append([base_length, 0, z])
            points.append([base_length, base_width, z])
            points.append([0, base_width, z])
        return points
    def generate_jib_points(base_length, base_width, mast_height, jib_length, num_points):
        points = []
        # Jib points (horizontal structure extending from the top of the mast)
        for i in range(num_points + 1):
            x = jib_length * i / num_points
            points.append([base_length / 2 + x, base_width / 2, mast_height])
        return points
    def generate_cross_bars_for_jib(base_length, base_width, mast_height, jib_length, num_points):
        points = []
        # Cross bars for the jib in the x-y plane
        for i in range(1, num_points):
            x = jib_length * i / num_points
            points.append([base_length / 2 + x, base_width / 2, mast_height - 0.5])
            points.append([base_length / 2 + x, base_width / 2, mast_height + 0.5])
        return points
    def generate_counterweight_points(base_length, base_width, mast_height, counterweight_length, num_points):
        points = []
        # Counterweight points (opposite side of the jib)
        for i in range(num_points + 1):
            x = -counterweight_length * i / num_points
            points.append([base_length / 2 + x, base_width / 2, mast_height])
        return points
    def generate_diagonal_braces(base_length, base_width, mast_height, num_points):
        points = []
        # Diagonal braces for the mast
        for i in range(1, num_points):
            z = mast_height * i / num_points
            points.append([0, 0, z])
            points.append([base_length, base_width, z])
            points.append([base_length, 0, z])
            points.append([0, base_width, z])
        return points
    # Inputs
    base_length = 5.0
    base_width = 5.0
    mast_height = 30.0
    jib_length = 50.0
    counterweight_length = 10.0
    num_points = 20
    base_points = generate_base_points(base_length, base_width)
    mast_pillars_points = generate_mast_pillars(base_length, base_width, mast_height, num_points)
    cross_bars_mast_points = generate_cross_bars_for_mast(base_length, base_width, mast_height, num_points)
    jib_points = generate_jib_points(base_length, base_width, mast_height, jib_length, num_points)
    cross_bars_jib_points = generate_cross_bars_for_jib(base_length, base_width, mast_height, jib_length, num_points)
    counterweight_points = generate_counterweight_points(base_length, base_width, mast_height, counterweight_length, num_points)
    diagonal_braces_points = generate_diagonal_braces(base_length, base_width, mast_height, num_points)
    # Create the crane structure beams

    Let us finally create a bike frame

    # Inputs
    wheelbase = 995  # mm
    head_tube_angle = 74.5  # degrees
    seat_tube_angle = 73  # degrees
    chain_stay_length = 410  # mm
    seat_stay_length = 490  # mm
    top_tube_length = 525  # mm
    head_tube_length = 150  # mm
    bottom_bracket_drop = 70  # mm
    # Convert angles from degrees to radians for calculations
    head_tube_angle_rad = math.radians(head_tube_angle)
    seat_tube_angle_rad = math.radians(seat_tube_angle)
    # Calculate coordinates
    # Bottom bracket (origin)
    bb = (0, 0, 0)
    # Rear wheel axle
    rear_axle = (-chain_stay_length * math.cos(seat_tube_angle_rad), 0, chain_stay_length * math.sin(seat_tube_angle_rad))
    # Front wheel axle
    front_axle = (wheelbase, 0, bottom_bracket_drop)
    # Bottom of head tube
    head_tube_bottom = (wheelbase, 0, bottom_bracket_drop)
    # Top of head tube
    head_tube_top = (wheelbase, 0, bottom_bracket_drop + head_tube_length)
    # Top of seat tube
    seat_tube_top = (top_tube_length * math.cos(seat_tube_angle_rad), 0, top_tube_length * math.sin(seat_tube_angle_rad))
    create_cir_beams_from_points([[bb, rear_axle]])
    create_cir_beams_from_points([[bb, front_axle]])
    create_cir_beams_from_points([[bb, seat_tube_top]])
    create_cir_beams_from_points([[head_tube_bottom, head_tube_top]])
    create_cir_beams_from_points([[head_tube_top, seat_tube_top]])

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Member, Employee Posts: 222
    100 Comments 100 Likes Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited October 2024

    You can also create a beam with cross-sections and material assignments like below example:

    #creating Inputs
    number_of_points = 100#assuming 
    beam_lengths = list(map(lambda i: 100 + (2 * i), range(number_of_points)))#assuming a list 
    points = list(map(lambda i: [[sum(beam_lengths[:i]), 0, 0], [sum(beam_lengths[:i + 1]), 0, 0]], range(number_of_points)))#creating a list from assumed lengths
    names = map(lambda x: "Station "+str(x+1), range(number_of_points))#assuming a list
    cs_radius = map(lambda i: i*2+1, range(number_of_points))#assuming a list
    materials = ["Structural Steel"] * number_of_points#assuming a list
    def compute_time(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            import time
            start = time.time()
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            end = time.time()
            print ("Total time taken for executing function: '%s' --> =  %s"%(func.__name__,end-start))
            return result
        return wrapper
    def create_crosssections():
        with Transaction(True):
            cs = map(lambda x: Model.CrossSections.AddCircularCrossSection(), range(number_of_points))
        with Transaction(True):
            map(lambda c,x: setattr(c, 'Radius', Quantity(str(x)+" [mm]")), cs,cs_radius)
        return cs
    def create_cir_beams_from_points(points,material,cs,names):
        with Transaction(True):
            construction_line = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.ConstructionGeometry.AddConstructionLine()
            points_list = list(map(construction_line.CreatePoints, points))
            edges = [construction_line.CreateStraightLines([p[i], p[i+1]], [(0, 1)]) 
                     for p in points_list 
                     for i in range(len(p) - 1)]
            part_geo = construction_line.AddToGeometry()
            part = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Geometry.GetPart(part_geo)
            geo_bodies = part_geo.Bodies
            treebodies = map(lambda x: ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Geometry.GetBody(x), geo_bodies)
            list(map(lambda x, m: setattr(x, 'Material', m), treebodies, materials))
            list(map(lambda x, n: setattr(x, 'Name', n), treebodies, names))
            list(map(lambda x, c: setattr(x, 'CrossSectionSelection', c), treebodies, cs))
            return treebodies
    cs = create_crosssections()