I have made a script in Jupiter using Python how I can use that code in in Ansys Mechanical 2022R2

Happy Kumar
Happy Kumar Member Posts: 16
First Anniversary First Comment

I have made a script in Jupiter Notebook using Python and have used module such as Pandas, OS, xlwings . I want to use that code in in Ansys Mechanical but when I am using that code in Ansys Mechanical 2022R2 I am getting an error. How I can use that code in Ansys Mechanical 2022R2.Please kindly help me with this.


  • Rajesh Meena
    Rajesh Meena Moderator, Employee Posts: 128
    100 Comments 25 Likes Second Anniversary 5 Answers

    @Happy Kumar May I know why you want to run in Mechanical? What exactly that code will do? Also, would you be okay to use 2024R1.

  • Happy Kumar
    Happy Kumar Member Posts: 16
    First Anniversary First Comment

    Thanks, Rajesh, for your response. Actually, I have to copy the data from excel file (exported from Ansys Mechanical results) and want to paste in one of template which is in excel format in particular cells. So, I want to do this automatically with one script in Ansys Mechanical only but in 2022R2.If possible, please let me know the procedure for this so that I can proceed with the automation.