Name selection for 3D design in spaceclaim

ramsaran Member Posts: 11
Name Dropper First Comment

i want to give name selection to design I have attached. in name selection I want to give porous name to all spheres and domain to the remaining(excluding all spheres) part.
this task I want to do using script in spaceclaim
anyone can help me please


  • Erik Kostson
    Erik Kostson Member, Employee Posts: 220
    50 Answers 100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes


    Perhaps this helps:

    All the best


  • ramsaran
    ramsaran Member Posts: 11
    Name Dropper First Comment

    Python Script, API Version = V23

    import clr
    import random
    from SpaceClaim.Api.V23 import *

    por = []
    grain = []

    min_radius = 0.065 ## in mm
    max_radius = 0.085 ## in mm
    sphe = []
    spheres = []

    def generate_circles(volume, face, min_radius, max_radius):

    v = 0
    x =0
    while v < volume:
        x = x+1
        isOverlap = True
        while isOverlap:
            radius = random.uniform(min_radius, max_radius)
            x_center = random.uniform(-0.5 + radius, 0.5 - radius)
            y_center = random.uniform(-0.5 + radius, 0.5 - radius)
            z_center = random.uniform(radius, 1 - radius)
            isOverlap = False
            for j in range(len(spheres)): 
                xr = x_center - spheres[j][0]
                yr = y_center - spheres[j][1]
                zr = z_center - spheres[j][2]
                d = radius + spheres[j][3]
                d1 = ((xr) ** 2 + (yr) ** 2 + (zr) ** 2) ** 0.5
                if d1 < d:
                    isOverlap = True
            if not isOverlap:
                origin = Point.Create(MM(x_center), MM(y_center), MM(z_center))
                sphere = SphereBody.Create(origin, MM(radius))
                v += (4/3) * 3.14 * (radius) ** 3
                new_sphere = [x_center, y_center, z_center, radius]
    return x

    making geometry

    porous = (0,0.01,0.1,0.15,0.2) ## Vol %

    validation paper: Simulation of heat transfer in hollow-glass-bead-filled polypropylene composites by finite element method

    for i in range(1): # define number of geometry to be generated
    porosity = porous[2]
    #porosity = random.uniform(0.1, 0.1)
    area = 1*porosity
    # Set Sketch Plane
    sectionPlane = Plane.PlaneXY
    result = ViewHelper.SetSketchPlane(sectionPlane, Info1)
    # EndBlock

        # Sketch Rectangle
        point1 = Point2D.Create(MM(-0.5),MM(0.5))
        point2 = Point2D.Create(MM(0.5),MM(0.5))
        point3 = Point2D.Create(MM(0.5),MM(-0.5))
        result1 = SketchRectangle.Create(point1, point2, point3)
        # EndBlock
        # Solidify Sketch
        mode = InteractionMode.Solid
        result = ViewHelper.SetViewMode(mode, Info2)
        # EndBlock
        # Extrude 1 Face
        selection = Face3
        options = ExtrudeFaceOptions()
        options.ExtrudeType = ExtrudeType.Add
        result = ExtrudeFaces.Execute(selection, MM(1), options, Info7)
        # EndBlock
        # Create New Part
        selection = Part1
        result = ComponentHelper.CreateNewComponent(selection, Info3)
        # EndBlock
        # Set Sketch Plane
        #selection = Face1
        #result = ViewHelper.SetSketchPlane(selection, Info4)
        # EndBlock
        # Function to generate random non-overlapping circles#########################
        x = generate_circles(area,sectionPlane,min_radius,max_radius)
       # Solidify Sketch
        mode = InteractionMode.Solid
        result = ViewHelper.SetViewMode(mode, Info5)
        # Intersect Bodies
        targets = Body2
        tools = Body1
        options = MakeSolidsOptions()
        result = Combine.Intersect(targets, tools, options, Info9)
        # EndBlock
        # Name selection 
        sel = Selection.Create(Face6)
        sel.CreateAGroup("inlet")    # inletFace8
        sel = Selection.Create(Face7)
        sel.CreateAGroup("outlet")    # outlet 
        sel = Selection.Create(Face8)
        sel.CreateAGroup("wall1")    # upper side wall 
        sel = Selection.Create(Face9)
        sel.CreateAGroup("wall2")   # down side wall 
        sel = Selection.Create(Face10)
        sel.CreateAGroup("wall3")    # Yp wall 
        sel = Selection.Create(Face11) 
        sel.CreateAGroup("wall4")    # Yn wall 
        mye = []
        vmin= 4.e-08 # min. volume of spheres
        vmax = 4e-01 # max. volume of spheres
        assembly = GetRootPart() 
        for body in bodies:
            if body.GetMaster().Shape.IsClosed==True: # check it is a solid body and not surface body
                if vol >=vmin and vol <=vmax:
        primarySelection = Selection.Create(mys)
        secondarySelection = Selection.Empty()
        resultmys = NamedSelection.Create(primarySelection, secondarySelection)
        NamedSelection.Rename("Group1", "Spheres")
        # Create Named Selection Group
        primarySelection = Body3
        secondarySelection = Selection.Empty()
        result = NamedSelection.Create(primarySelection, secondarySelection)
        # EndBlock
        # Rename Named Selection
        result = NamedSelection.Rename("Group1", "domain")
        # EndBlock
         #Exclude items from physics 
        selection = Component1
        suppress = True
        ViewHelper.SetSuppressForPhysics(selection, suppress)
  • ramsaran
    ramsaran Member Posts: 11
    Name Dropper First Comment

    i have written the above code but only one sphere is selecting in porous medium

    I thing it is happening because of all spheres are not intersecting with cube so can you provide me the code how to intersect the spheres and cube