How to export node normal vectors at each node belonging to a nodal named selection into a csv?
Rohith Patchigolla
Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 218
in Structures
I have a nodal named selection in Ansys Mechanical. I would like to export the node normal vectors at each of these nodes into a csv file. How can we do this?
We can do this in Mechanical using Mechanical scripting and Python.
Below is an example script (there is still scope for improvement in cases where a node shares multiple faces), which takes nodal named selection name as an input, loops over nodes, gets the face ID of the node, and gets the normal. Once loop is completed, it writes out a csv.
import csv import os # Name of the output CSV file output_file_path = "D:\del" output_file_name = "vector_data.csv" named_selection_name = "NS_Vectors_2" fullpath = os.path.join(output_file_path, output_file_name) nodalNS = DataModel.GetObjectsByName(named_selection_name)[0] nodeIDs = nodalNS.Location.Ids vecNormalX = [] vecNormalY = [] vecNormalZ = [] matrix_full = [] def writeCSV(t1,fileName): ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage('my File name ' + fileName) with open(fileName , 'w') as f: for line in t1: for col in line: #For Non-German #f.write(str(col) + ', ') #For German OS f.write(str(col).replace(".",",") + '; ') f.write('\n') for nodeId in nodeIDs: meshData = DataModel.MeshDataByName(DataModel.MeshDataNames[0]) meshNode = meshData.NodeById(nodeId) base_point = meshNode.X, meshNode.Y, meshNode.Z geoIDs = meshNode.GeoEntityIds connectedFaceIDs = [] for geoID in geoIDs: if DataModel.GeoData.GeoEntityById(geoID).Type == GeoCellTypeEnum.GeoFace: connectedFaceIDs.append(geoID) if len(connectedFaceIDs) > 1: print "Node shared by multiple faces. Only printing of vectors is coded" for faceID in connectedFaceIDs: myface = DataModel.GeoData.GeoEntityById(faceID) u,v = myface.ParamAtPoint(base_point) vec_normal = myface.NormalAtParam(u,v) #Normal Vector to the face at given node print(vec_normal) else: myface = DataModel.GeoData.GeoEntityById(connectedFaceIDs[0]) u,v = myface.ParamAtPoint(base_point) vec_normal = myface.NormalAtParam(u,v) #Normal Vector to the face at given node print(vec_normal) vecNormalX.append(vec_normal[0]) vecNormalY.append(vec_normal[1]) vecNormalZ.append(vec_normal[2]) matrix_full = [[nodeIDs[i], vecNormalX[i], vecNormalY[i], vecNormalZ[i]] for i in range(len(nodeIDs))] writeCSV(matrix_full,fullpath)