How to use selection logic in dpf in Mechanical? Example, select Solid186 elements with keyopt(2)=1?

Rohith Patchigolla
Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 242
in Structures
How to use selection logic in dpf in Mechanical? Example, select Solid186 elements with keyopt(2)=1?
The below code will help to get the scoping based on intersection between all elements with name SOLID186 and all the elements with Keyoption(2) = 1, getting all Solid186 elements with Keyopt(2) = 1.
import mech_dpf import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf my_data_sources = dpf.DataSources(Model.Analyses[0].ResultFileName) scope_op1 = dpf.operators.scoping.on_property(requested_location = "Elemental", property_name = "mapdl_element_type",property_id= 186,data_sources = my_data_sources) outputIds1 = scope_op1.outputs.mesh_scoping.GetData() print(outputIds1) scope_op2 = dpf.operators.scoping.on_property(requested_location = "Elemental", property_name = "keyopt_2",property_id= 1,data_sources = my_data_sources) outputIds2 = scope_op2.outputs.mesh_scoping.GetData() print(outputIds2) op_intersection = dpf.operators.scoping.intersect() # operator instantiation op_intersection.inputs.scopingA.Connect(scope_op1) op_intersection.inputs.scopingB.Connect(scope_op2) scoping_intersection = op_intersection.outputs.intersection.GetData() print(scoping_intersection)