How to get stress tensors on edge of a shell in python results, by defining position and layer

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  • Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 479
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    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi @Kev,

    You need use the operatordpf.operators.utility.change_shell_layers() for specifying the layers.
     0:Top, 1: Bottom, 2: BottomTop, 3:Mid, 4:BottomTopMid

    You can read more about it in the DPF operator help. Below is an example code which works well. You can create custom properties (drop-down) to select the Shell-Layer and the Coordinate System.

    1. import mech_dpf
    2. import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf
    3. mech_dpf.setExtAPI(ExtAPI)
    4. dataSource = dpf.DataSources(analysis.ResultFileName)
    5. sx = dpf.operators.result.stress_X()
    6. sx.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSource)

    7. ns_op = dpf.operators.scoping.on_named_selection()
    8. ns_op.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSource)
    9. ns_op.inputs.requested_location.Connect('Nodal')
    10. ns_op.inputs.named_selection_name.Connect('EDGE')

    11. sx.inputs.mesh_scoping.Connect(ns_op.outputs.mesh_scoping)
    12. sx.inputs.bool_rotate_to_global.Connect(False)

    13. sx_top = dpf.operators.utility.change_shell_layers()
    14. sx_top.inputs.fields_container.Connect(sx)
    15. """
    16. Define Shell layer
    17. """
    18. sx_top.inputs.e_shell_layer.Connect(0)


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    I would like to create a python result file that mimics a user plot With the populated fields as shown in the figure below:

    So far this is as far as I have gone with the code below (Showing just a section of the code):

    dataSource = dpf.DataSources(analysis.ResultFileName)
    DisplayDict = {}
    DisplayDict[0] = dpf.locations.nodal
    DisplayDict[1] = dpf.locations.elemental
    DisplayDict[2] = dpf.locations.elemental_nodal

    GrphicsTypeDict = {}
    GrphicsTypeDict[1] = dpf.enums.GFXContourType.GeomFaceScoping

    global TimeFreqSupport

    WriteMessage("Setup results operator")
    ResultOp = dpf.operators.result.stress_X () #dpf.operators.result.stress_von_mises()
    TimeScoping=GetTimeScoping(TimeSelectionType, Step, CalcTimeHistory)
    if Display==0 or Display==1:

    When I evaluate this pyresult, I get a different stress distribution which tells me some of the properties are not set correctly.

    Would appreciate the help with this greatly :)

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    Hi Ayush thanks for the help.
    I did make adjustments to the code as per your instructions however I am still struggling to replicate the results of the user plot.
    I have attached an archived file with my python result file and the user plot file in there. would greatly appreciate it if someone could have a look and tell me what an I missing.

    Here's the result of the user plot:

    And here is what my Python result is producing:

    Here is the updated code just in case. Will appreciate the help :

    def define_dpf_workflow(analysis):

    1. #region Get the user property values
    2. GroupName="Options"
    3. CS = PropValue(GroupName+"/"+"Coordinate System")
    4. Position = int(PropValue(GroupName+"/"+"Position"))
    5. Display = int(PropValue(GroupName+"/"+"Display Option"))
    6. global DebugMode
    7. DebugMode = bool(int(PropValue(GroupName+"/"+"Debug Mode")))

    8. GroupName="Time Points"
    9. TimeSelectionType = int(PropValue(GroupName+"/"+"Time Selection Type"))
    10. Step = int(PropValue(GroupName+"/"+"Step"))
    11. CalcTimeHistory = bool(int(PropValue(GroupName+"/"+"Calculate Time History")))

    12. NS = PropValue("Scoping/Scoping/Named Selection")

    13. #endregion
    14. #region import standard modules
    15. global dataSource
    16. dataSource = dpf.DataSources(analysis.ResultFileName)
    17. DisplayDict = {}
    18. DisplayDict[0] = dpf.locations.nodal
    19. DisplayDict[1] = dpf.locations.elemental
    20. DisplayDict[2] = dpf.locations.elemental_nodal

    21. GrphicsTypeDict = {}
    22. GrphicsTypeDict[1] = dpf.enums.GFXContourType.GeomFaceScoping
    23. #endregion

    24. MeshScoping=MeshScopingFromNS(NS)
    25. global TimeFreqSupport
    26. TimeFreqSupport=GetResultsTimeData()

    27. WriteMessage("Setup results operator")
    28. ResultOp = dpf.operators.result.stress_X () #dpf.operators.result.stress_von_mises()
    29. ResultOp.inputs.bool_rotate_to_global.Connect(False) #setting to solution coordiante system
    30. ResultOp.inputs.mesh_scoping.Connect(MeshScoping)
    31. TimeScoping=GetTimeScoping(TimeSelectionType, Step, CalcTimeHistory)
    32. ResultOp.inputs.time_scoping.Connect(TimeScoping)
    33. ResultOp.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSource)
    34. if Display==0 or Display==1:
    35. ResultOp.inputs.requested_location.Connect(DisplayDict[Display])
    36. sx_top = dpf.operators.utility.change_shell_layers()
    37. sx_top.inputs.fields_container.Connect(ResultOp)
    38. sx_top.inputs.e_shell_layer.Connect(0)#0:Top, 1: Bottom, 2: BottomTop, 3:Mid, 4:BottomTopMid

    39. WriteMessage("Get displacement operator for showing warped model")
    40. u = dpf.operators.result.displacement()
    41. uMeshScoping=MeshScopingFromNS(NS, requested_location=dpf.locations.nodal)
    42. u.inputs.mesh_scoping.Connect(uMeshScoping)
    43. u.inputs.time_scoping.Connect(dpf.TimeFreqScopingFactory.ScopingByLoadSteps([Step]))
    44. u.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSource)

    45. WriteMessage("region Setup the final workflow")
    46. dpf_workflow = dpf.Workflow()

    47. GraphicsType = GetGraphicsType(NS)
    48. OutputContourObj = sx_top
    49. if GraphicsType!=None:
    50. dpf_workflow.SetOutputContour(sx_top, GraphicsType)
    51. else:
    52. dpf_workflow.SetOutputContour(sx_top)
    53. dpf_workflow.SetOutputWarpField(u)

    54. dpf_workflow.Record('wf_id', False)
    55. this.WorkflowId = dpf_workflow.GetRecordedId()
    56. return
  • Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 479
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    edited July 2023

    @Kev , Looking at line 12 of your code above, I am not sure of the way you are scoping the nodes. I suggest select the edges, create a named selection, convert that into nodes and then use the nodal named selection in the scoping of the DPF code. That should give you the same results.

  • Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 479
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    @Kev, I would recommend you to reach out via the standard Ansys Technical support, as this might involve model debugging and hence not a post for Ansys Developer Forum but a question for standard Ansys Technical Support. There you can even share your model and one of the Ansys Tech Support Engineers will help you debug the issue.

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