Can Not Instantiate User Object

I have created a user class that I would like to implement to drive ACT extension behavior. I have written some XML to insert a generic DataModelObject into the tree and given a class="MyClassName" attribute in the object tag for the xml definition. When I insert an object of my user defined type in the tree I get the following outputs to my ACT log:
Unable to instanciate object from class 'GenericClassName'.
'ObjectDictionaryExpando' object has no attribute 'GenericClassName'
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object )
at IronPython.Runtime.PythonContext.ScopeGetVariable(Scope scope, String name)
at Ansys.ACT.Core.Extension.CreateObjectController(String className, Object[] args)
I am not sure what the issue is here, I have files in the extension directory that define the class behavior and have included them using the .
I am also wondering how the underlying user object is associated to the corresponding DataModelObject that exists in the tree. I need the userobject to take data provided by the user in the properties of the DataModelObject that represents the userobject in the tree.
You can use something like this to start.
ActObjDict = {}
class ActObjClass:
def init(self, ExtAPI, ActObj):
global ActObjDict
self.ActObj = ActObj
self.ExtAPI = ExtAPI
ActObjDict[self.ActObj.ObjectId] = self.ActObj- def oninit(self, Obj):
- pass
- def onadd(self, Obj):
- pass
- def onremove(self, Obj):
- global ActObjDict
- del ActObjDict[self.ActObj.ObjectId]
- def GetMechanicalObject(self):
- """
- """
- ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectById(self.ActObj.ObjectId)